Inventory and supplies represent one of
the single largest financial investments
a manufacturing company can make on an
annual basis. Built with administrative
ease and efficiency, FlexGen 4 - EDL delivers
the tools needed to effectively manage
and streamline a company's substantial
investment in materials. From managing
Lot and Serial Number traceability to
making on-time delivery of kits to production
control, all aspects of the distribution
and logistics system must work seamlessly
with each other. FlexGen 4 - EDL supports
this process by assuring that inventory
is properly handled, accounted for, distributed
and fully documented in compliance with
the highest operating standards of a company
and given industry.
Distribution & Logistics includes
the following software features:
- Warehouse Management
FlexGen 4 - EDL incorporates automated tools
needed to ensure inventory and finished
goods are moved swiftly throughout the entire
distribution cycle. The preparation and
security behind all the necessary documentation
required to authorize inventory transactions,
including bar coded pack slips, work order
routings, shipping manifests and pick lists,
are generated on time and error free. In
addition, the QA procedures developed to
manage material certifications and test
results, are easily administered and electronically
attached to each inventory component, if
required. |
Inventory management demands a system for
handling procedures and accountability which
secures the asset value of all materials.
FlexGen 4 - EDL application services allow
for automated receiving and transfer of
materials, locating stock according to flexible
locator designations, populating floor stock
with supplies and consumables, and expedited
delivery of materials directly to the floor.
Materials are fully secured and available
to maximize the flow of product and simplified
process administration. |
Code - Inventory Manager
The FlexGen 4 - EDL Bar Code Inventory Manager
offers an automation suite designed to facilitate
the bar coding and transaction management
of all your typical inventory requirements.
Bar coded documents and labels are printed
upon demand and placed on the appropriate
forms, containers, documents or parts specific
to the need. Travelers and pick lists can
have bar codes displayed on the forms, allowing
for quick and easy scanning of the associated
transaction. In addition, a full cycle counting
process is available through the RF data
collection, driven by bar codes. |
Certain inventory categories require special
stocking, documentation and distribution.
Many companies have production requirements
calling for solvents, chemicals and otherwise
potentially harmful materials that demand
physical isolation and restricted access.
To meet these requirements, FlexGen 4 -
EDL has a set of processes used to track
and control highly regulated materials.
Incorporated in these processes are fully
integrated QA procedures and handling instructions
implemented to assure safety and governmental
compliance. |
/ Serial Number Traceability
For manufacturing companies engaged in producing
and servicing high-technology products,
the need for Lot and Serial Number tracking
is mandatory. FlexGen 4 - EDL allows for
comprehensive “cradle to grave”
tracking and archival of critical components
such as required for medical products, avionics
and aerospace components. These processes
track selected materials from the supplier,
through manufacturing, to the end-user.
For purposes of product recall, upgrade
or performance tracking, FlexGen 4 - EDL
simplifies and fully supports this mission
critical administrative task. |
/ Supplier Consigned Inventory
A unique class of inventory is that which
is either supplied directly by a customer
for use in production or materials provided
by a supplier on a consignment basis. Both
types of material transactions require a
distinct administrative process to properly
account for them. FlexGen 4 - EDL will let
you accurately track each form of inventory
transaction, including source, dates, value,
quantities and financial terms for consumption.
These transactions must be segregated from
your company owned materials to assure proper
use and financial accountability. |
Shipping / Receiving
The Shipping and Receiving function represents
a key touch point for all inbound and outbound
inventory transactions. FlexGen 4 - EDL
streamlines the typical administrative tasks
required to properly document all customer
shipments, including pack slips, shipping
documents, customs forms and commercial
invoices when required. Upon completing
each transaction, the FlexGen 4 - EDL web
services is automatically updated to keep
customers informed of their shipment status
through the Customer Self-Service Portal.
All incoming materials are reviewed, documents
examined and QA procedures fulfilled, guaranteeing
only acceptable materials on hand and available
to production control management. |